Saturday, November 30, 2019

Logo Research Evaluation Essay Example

Logo Research Evaluation Essay It has only one colour which makes it easy recognisable.The style of the font is unique, and the C is curly, maybe symbolising the chocolate being stirred. Besides the word Cadbury there are two glasses with milk being poured out of them into what looks like a bowl of chocolate which is being mixed. This combination is very easily remembered. It has a green shape in the background which looks like a pair of glasses, and where they overlap at the middle its darker green. Across the middle of the shape it says Specsavers in a large informative font, and then Opticians in a smaller font underneath. The remaining parts of the word Specsavers are underlined. All the writing is in white which makes it stand out on the coloured background. This is easily recognisable because Specsavers is an opticians and when you see the glasses shape you automatically associate it with Specsavers. This logo has no text, just a picture. It is of two portraits, they are in 3D and are computer graphics. The front one is in a turquoise green colour, and the background one is in a lighter green. This logo is so easily recognisable, even without words, because it is so well known and easily remembered due to its simplicity. This logo is easily recognised because of its unique style. It is always presented in a bold italic font, and is often shown as white on a dark background colour. In this case its white outlined in black which makes the word stand out. It would probably be a more effective logo if it had an image with it. This logo is simple yet effective. Its a black circle on a square with a hot pink background. Inside the black circle is a heart with a pair of scissors sticking into it, in a simple white outline. Underneath the heart is the word scarling. in quite a plain, white font. The white on black on hot pink is a memorable combination of colo

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Consecuencias vencimiento de la greencard y qu hacer

Consecuencias vencimiento de la greencard y qu hacer Como regla general, las tarjetas de residencia en Estados Unidos, tambià ©n conocidas como green card, son vlidas por 10 aà ±os. Si no se renueva a tiempo dentro de plazo y se permite que llegue su fecha de vencimiento, las consecuencias van a depender de si el residente est en ese momento en Estados Unidos o, si por el contrario, est en otro paà ­s. Adems, existen aproximadamente 700 mil tarjetas de residencia sin fecha de expiracià ³n. En este artà ­culo se explica cules son las consecuencias de tener una tarjeta de residencia con fecha vencida, quà © pasa si se tiene una green card sin fecha de vencimiento y cul es la diferencia entre una tarjeta de residencia definitiva y otra temporal o condicional. Green card vencida y el residente en Estados Unidos Puede suceder que un residente permanente no verifique la fecha de expiracià ³n y que su green card està © expirada. La buena noticia es que sigue siendo residente. Nunca se pierde esa condicià ³n por ese motivo,  aunque sà ­ hay otras razones por las que se perderà ­a. Lo que debe hacer es solicitar la renovacià ³n llenando en  el formulario I-90 y pagando una cuota de $455 y otros $85 por los biomà ©tricos. En algunos casos es posible solicitar una exencià ³n del pago de dicha tarifa. Lo ideal es pedir una nueva green card seis meses antes de que la actual expire y destacar que si la green card est vencida o faltan menos de seis meses para su vencimiento no se puede iniciar el trmite para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n. Green card expirada y residente en otro paà ­s A diferencia de lo que ocurre en el supuesto anterior, aquà ­ sà ­ que puede haber un problema si es que la green card expira mientras el residente est fuera de Estados Unidos y no llenà ³ el I-90 ANTES de salir del paà ­s. Y es que esa planilla no se puede cumplimentar desde el exterior. El primer problema que puede presentarse es que las aerolà ­neas no dejan volar hacia Estados Unidos a personas con tarjetas de residencia que han expirado. En estos casos lo que hay que hacer es solicitar una cita en el consulado estadounidense ms cercano que pueda tramitar una carta de transporte (Transportation Letter). Llevar adems documentacià ³n adicional, como 2 fotografà ­as tipo pasaporte, fotocopia legible del pasaporte, copia de la tarjeta de embarque emitida por la aerolà ­nea para viajar a Estados Unidos y la green card expirada. Adems, al cerrar la cita verificar si es necesario presentar un rà ©cord policial. Una vez que se tiene la carta de transporte en mano se debe viajar a Estados Unidos antes de que llegue la fecha de su vencimiento y, en todo caso, antes de que transcurran 30 dà ­as desde que fue emitida.   El segundo problema que puede plantearse es que una vez que el residente llega a Estados Unidos al control migratorio en un aeropuerto, puerto o puesto fronterizo terrestre, un oficial de la CBP entrevista al residente para asegurarse que sigue conservando su estatus.   Por ejemplo, si ha pasado una cantidad de tiempo considerable fuera de los Estados Unidos puede considerar que ha perdido el estatus de residente y no se le permitir ingresar. Por el contrario, si no hay problemas e ingresa, deber aplicar inmediatamente por la renovacià ³n de la green card mediante el formulario el I-90. Casos de green card sin fecha de expiracià ³n Entre 1977 y 1989, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos emitià ³ miles de green cards sin fecha de expiracià ³n. En la actualidad hay aproximadamente 700 mil tarjetas de residencia de este tipo. Son vlidas si en letra pequeà ±a tienen escrito I-551. Por el contrario, son invlidas si aparece la letra y nà ºmero I-151. Aunque las que llevan la anotacià ³n I-551 son vlidas es recomendable solicitar su cambio por una versià ³n actualizada mediante el formulario I-90. Las razones son que puede ocasionar retraso en el paso migratorio al llegar a Estados Unidos porque la foto ya tiene muchos aà ±os. Adems, con ese tipo de tarjetas no puede utilizarse Global Entry para acelerar el paso por aduanas y, finalmente, algunos empleadores se muestran reacios a contratar a un migrante con un documento con foto tan antigua. Diferencias entre residencia permanente y residencia condicional No confundir el plazo de validad de una tarjeta de residencia ordinaria, que es de 10 aà ±os y el de una residencia condicional, cuya condicionalidad debe levantarse a los 2 aà ±os para convertirla en permanente. Los dos casos en los que se puede dar una tarjeta condicional son en algunas peticiones por matrimonio cuando se obtiene la green card antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casados y en los de obtencià ³n de la green card por inversià ³n a travà ©s del programa EB-5. A tener en cuenta: naturalizacià ³n, ciudadanà ­a y test Los residentes pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por medio del trmite que se conoce como naturalizacià ³n. Los plazos de espera para poder solicitarla dependen de las circunstancias de cada residente.   Es importante valorar que no es lo mismo la residencia que la ciudadanà ­a, ya que con à ©sta se tienen ms derechos y tambià ©n ms protecciones legales. Por lo tanto, es una opcià ³n que se debe realmente estudiar. Por à ºltimo, toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la residencia para garantizar que sabes todo lo fundamental sobre la green card: cà ³mo se obtiene y cà ³mo se conserva. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Changes in Prisons in Twentieth Century in Britain Essay Example for Free

Changes in Prisons in Twentieth Century in Britain Essay In 20th century a lot of important changes was made in Britain prison system. A lot of crucial moves in this matter were made, which made changes to the system, and create the current system in prisons. A lot of reports and changes plans were made in this crucial for the matter period. The beginning for this period was made in 1895 with Gladstone report, which was highly critical of the current penal policy. It criticised existing regimes for ‘crushing self respect’ and ‘starving all moral instinct’. The report argued that reformation should coexist with deterrence and that rehabilitation should be given priority. Victorians focused upon repression and punishment. They used inflexible and punitive methods of control. Gladstone felt these should be replaced with more scientific methods of ‘treatment’. In addition, prison commissioners for the first time in 1898, defined the purpose of prison as the ‘humanisation of the individual’1. Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise insisted that ‘each man convicted of crime is to be regarded as an individual, as a separate entity of morality, who by the application of influences, of discipline, labour, education, moral and religious, backed up on discharge by a well organised system of patronage is capable of reinstatement in civic life’2. Weiner (1990) stated, â€Å"It is now recognised that primitive measures alone are not corrective, and effective reformation of criminals can only be attained by making our prisons true schools and moral hospitals†. Forsythe (1991) argues that new projects often fell short of the claims made for them. He says that in particular, the local and convict prisons ‘clung tenaciously to the concepts of measured punishment, moral culpability, limited deterrence and uniformly administered discipline’. It is a fact that the process of reform was often slow and not al all easy to perceive. From 1900 onwards a number of radical changes were made to the standard prison regime: 1) Unproductive labour was officially abandoned and replaced by prison industries and work considered ‘useful’, 2) The separate system was gradually eroded, allowing prisoners to work in association, 3) Education was increased and improved, 4) Internal discipline was maintained through a reward/punishment system related to the introduction of remission, 5) Specialists such as psychologists were appointed, 6) Prisoner categorisation was extended, 7) The Borstal system was introduced for juveniles, 8) A commitment to reformation became enshrined in the Prison Rule that stipulated that the purpose of imprisonment was to encourage prisoners to ‘lead a good and useful life’3, 9) During the 1930s the treadmill and arrows on convict uniforms were abolished. According to Garland (1985) the most radical reforms of this era took place outside of the prison system: 1) The introduction of the probation service, 2) Alternatives to custody emerged, 3) Construction of specialist institutions4. Garland views these major transformations as the beginnings of our current practice. Garland prefers to talk of developments in a whole realm of penality rather than prison reform5. Additionally, in 1908 Borstals6 were put on a statutory footing – implemented by Herbert Gladstone. The name Borstal comes from the village in Kent where the first Borstal scheme got its first full-scale trial. Borstals took English public schools as their model and their sentences were indeterminate. Criminals aged between 16 – 21 could be sent to Borstal for between one and three years. The prison Commission could release on licence at any time after six months (or three months for girls) and could also recall for misbehaviour. Borstal faltered after 1945 really because success rates were measured by reconviction rates. 1982 the administration of Margaret Thatcher formally abolished the Borstal and replaced it with the ‘Youth Custody Centre’ – with determinate sentences of imprisonment. Paterson7 replaced military type training with delegated authority and encouragement of personal responsibility. Staffs wore civilian clothing and were encouraged to get to know the ‘lads’ personally – considered revolutionary in the 1920s. The Borstal notion of training prisoners through personal relations, trust and responsibility gradually had an impact on the prison system as a whole. Two borstal elements were transplanted into the adult system with long lasting effects: 1. 1936 the first minimum-security (open) prison was established at New Hall, near Wakefield. 2. The housemaster was renamed ‘assistant governor’. The post war developments where about the Easier bail, Probation, Time to pay fines, a reduction in time to be served for a partial payment of fines, Reformatories for juveniles, Curtailment of imprisonment for debt and, More facilities for the insane and for habitual drunkards. In 1928 the then Home Secretary had described Dartmoor convict prison as ‘the cesspool of English humanity’ â€Å"I suppose there must be some residuum which no training or help will ever improve†8. Furthermore in 1948 Paterson and his colleagues framed Criminal justice Act. This was a highly influential piece of legislation. Borstal had represented the opposite view and resurrected the possibility of reformatory prison. Borstals and Detention Centres began to lose favour: neither for deterrence or reform was the short sentence acceptable. This is one of the elements in the English prison-crowding crisis – which became acute in the 1970s and 1980s and with which the country is still wrestling. Deterrence – Youth prisons known as Detention Centres were intended to subject boys (and half-heartedly, girls) who were thought to be on the verge of a custodial career to a last chance ‘short, sharp, shock’. Separate institutions for pre trial prisoners were planned but never created: these would be custodial but non-penal institutions. Due to the war, there were no funds and little sympathy for unconvinced detainees. McConville states that ‘thick skins and short purses ever since have ensured that English pre trial prisoners were treated worse than they were for virtually all of Victoria’s reign and much worse than their fellows who were convicted and sentenced’. The 1960s and early 1970s are seen as the beginning of the crisis years with British prisons. At last we can refer to System of Concentration. Mountbatten referred to the obvious advantages of an island prison holding all prisoners who posed a threat. A new prison was to be built on the Isle of Wight. This was rejected and the dispersal system became the preferred way of housing inmates. Since early 1966 new measurements of security have been implemented in selected prisons. Between 1969 and 1979 the prison service went through a number of riots. 70s and 80s dogged with accusations of brutality and violence directed at prisoners from the prison staff. Serious disturbances and riots had occurred in maximum-security prisons, which had led to reprisals against prisoners. British riots occurred within the new dispersal system: Parkhurst 1969, Albany 1971 & 1972, Gartree 1972, Hull 1976, and Gartree 1978. Hull riot will go down in history, as it was the prison staff who were ultimately tried and convicted. Special control units were introduced after the Gartree riot of 1972 for troublemakers over and above the existing segregation units. 1970s represent the years when reform and treatment had dwindled away and the whole prison system ran on the notion that ‘nothing works’. By 1978 both the courts and the prisons were in danger of serious collapse. Industrial relations were poor with prison staff. May Committee 1979 reported as a response to the previous troubled decade. They explored the issues of what the aim of imprisonment was; they agreed that the rhetoric of treatment and training had had its day. Finally, King and Morgan proposed the term ‘humane containment’: The current organisation of the prison system is heavily influenced by past practice. This has shaped the system that we now have today. So, it is difficult to assess progress of 20th Century. Harsh and punitive experience of prison overrides any idea of progressive treatment. Biggest rises can be seen from 1974 onwards. It is a fact that this matter is very important and serious for the society and has to be developed according to the needs of the society according to its progress at times. 1. Goffman, E. (1961) Asylums, Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates. Harmondsworth 2. Jones, K. (1993) Asylums and After: A Revised History of the Mental Health Services from the Early Eighteenth Century to the 1990’s. 3. Morris, N and Rothman, D.J (eds). (1995) The Oxford History of the Prison. Oxford University Press. 4. Porter, R. (2002) Madness: A Brief History. Oxford University Press. 2 Ruggles-Brise quoted in Garland 1985. 3 Prison Rule 6 in 1949 but Prison Rule 1 since 1964. 4 such as Borstal where principles of rehabilitation were initiated. 5 â€Å"the prison was decentred, shifted from its position as the central and predominant sanction to become one institution among many in an extended grid of penal sanctions. Of course it continued to be of major importance, but it was now deployed in a different manner, for a narrower section of the criminal population and often as a back up sanction for other institutions, rather than a place of first resort†. Changes in Prisons in Twentieth Century in Britain. (2017, Nov 17).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Engineering Challenges Assignment Part II Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Engineering Challenges Part II - Assignment Example Carbon dioxide has been said to be the primary contributing factor towards global warming in the recent past. This is as a result of the growing burning of the fossil fuels for industrialization purposes. The challenge for engineers, in this case, is the capturing of the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of the fossil fuels and disposing of the gas out of the atmosphere. The chemical systems that already exist and can separate carbon dioxide in beverage carbonation for commercial purposes would require a greater economic input for this extraction in other industries. The separation of carbon dioxide from the oxygen and nitrogen as used in industries would mean that a restoration of the combustion process system in all industries which are economically feasible; would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide capture, therefore, is not the significant challenge to the environment but its sequestration (Hoffert et al., 882). Research has shown that by the use of advanced methods of generating power by use of coal-gasification methods, would help in filtering out carbon dioxide by adding steam to produce hydrogen that is more environmental friendly. The discovery of the method on how to isolate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is a milestone for the environmental engineers in their quest for creating a better living environment. Industrialization and emission of the carbon dioxide are on the rise due to the industrial advancement and human curiosity. Carbon dioxide being on the rise has resulted in a boost in global average temperatures. If the carbon dioxide levels are not contained, their consequences will lead to disruption in the weather, rise in sea level and changes in agricultural production on the decline (Figueroa et al., 16). Engineers have conducted research on how to isolate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Organizational Conflict and Conflict Resolution at John Lewis Waitrose Assignment

Organizational Conflict and Conflict Resolution at John Lewis Waitrose - Assignment Example It is against this background that organizational conflict and conflict resolution as a leadership and management issue at John Lewis Waitrose has been outlined in the current paper. Generally, Waitrose is identified as the supermarket division of the larger chain of companies operated under the brand of John Lewis Partnership. With an employee base of over 85,500 in almost 230 branches, it is common that issues of inter-personal conflicts will arise in the conduct of the daily tasks of employees. Through a comprehensive secondary data collection that was conducted on the company, it was realised that like most other organisations where employee-to-employee communication is part of the key chain of processes to get pieces of tasks executed, issues and reports of conflicts are very common. Some key words that emanate from the case study are organisational conflict, conflict resolution, conflict prevention, productivity, inter-personal, and maturity Waitrose is a supermarket component of the larger John Lewis Partnership. Waitrose is thus responsible for the food retail division of John Lewis Partnership, which has been identified as Britain’s largest employee-owned retailer (John Lewis Partnership, 2013). ... Meanwhile in a situation where there exists such differences, perceived and actual oppositions set in, bringing about organizational conflicts (Canary, Coach & Serape, 2001). This situation has however not been a major cause to deter the company from a rapid annual growth, for which reason the company currently boasts of revenue of ?5400.4 million, backed by an operating income of ?173.5 million and net income of ?123.3 million (Gardener, 2013). This feat has been achieved while operating under the mission and vision to be a dedicated, energized and team spirited company that brings excellent food retail services to customers. Cases of Organizational Conflict A case of organisational conflict was found in literature through secondary research in Ting-Toomey, Oetzel & Yee-Jung (2001). It was realised that one employee, Staff X (name withdrawn for ethical purposes) had a communication confrontation with another employee, Staff Y (name withdrawn). Staff X was the employee responsible fo r giving customised service and assistance to a prestige customer of the company. One day as the prestige member comes to the premises of the store, he first approaches Staff Y and asks if Staff X was around to deliver serve as usual. Meanwhile, Staff X had noticed Staff Y that she was going on a lunch break and that Staff Y should cover her back. Because of this, Staff Y accepted to take the role of Staff X and give the prestige member the needed service he always had from Staff X. It turned out that the prestige customer became very satisfied with the services of Staff Y and personally requested from management to assign Staff Y to him from henceforth. Once Staff X was

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Fate of a Creative Person Essay Example for Free

The Fate of a Creative Person Essay The Fate of a Creative Person What is creativity? Who are creative people? What role do they play in our society? Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art etc. ) that has some kind of value. According to this definition we may conclude that creative persons are those people who are able to produce something new that has some kind of value, both personal and public. On the one hand, many scholars are sure that people reveal their creative abilities only when they are surrounded by positive things, when they have a loving family, good friends. On the other hand, some researches show that many people can create something only when their life is full of hardships and difficulties. Many writers devoted their works to description of creative people’s life. Among them are William Somerset Maugham, Kazuo Ishiguro, Mary Shelly and Ernest Hemingway. To my mind this fact proves that the fate of creative persons has interested people since long ago. To watch how the above mentioned writers reflected the fate of creative people in literature we decided to analyze the protagonists’ characters of the three novels: â€Å"The Painted Veil†, â€Å"An Artist of the Floating World†, â€Å"Frankenstein† – and a short story â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro†. All these characters have both similar and different traits: they devoted their life to different fields of science and art (Walter Fane – to biology, Masui Ono- to painting, Victor Frankenstein- to study of chemical processes and the decay of living beings, Harry-to literature), but the end of their life is the same (all of them, except Masui Ono, died at the end of the book). Now let’s have a deeper look at these characters. Walter Fane is one of the main heroes in the novel â€Å"The Painted Veil† by W. S. Maugham. He was a young, poor but giving great hopes biologist when he first saw Kitty and married her, thinking that he really loved her. As the novel progresses Walter starts to understand that marriage with Kitty was the greatest mistake in his life. At first he put all the blame for distraction of their marriage on Kitty. She wasn’t fair to him when started to have affairs with Charles Townsend. But later Walter realizes that part of the blame was on him, it was he who proposed to Kitty without getting to know her properly. Walter tries to find the escape from the problems in science. He convinces Kitty in Charles’s shallowness, cowardice and deception and persuades her to move with him to China where he will be curing people of epidemic disease. This trip became a crucial moment both for Kitty and Walter, from this moment they started to understand and respect each other. Days and nights Walter spends at the laboratory trying to find the cure. People treat him as a saint, only Kitty at first doesn’t notice that he is a very intelligent, kind person, devoted to his job. I think he would be also devoted to a family if he had a good one. May be Walter hoped even that everything can be good in the near future, he notices that Kitty changes, she becomes more thoughtful, more sensible. But Kitty destroys his hopes when she understands that she is pregnant, but on Walter’s question â€Å"Who is the father? † she says â€Å"I don’t know†. Shortly after that Walter dies, supposedly in the result of experiments that he carries out in himself trying to find the cure. But the reader doesn’t know whether all this happened by accident or whether Walter did it deliberately, as his hopes for happy life had been destroyed. The tragedy of Walter’s life is in his deep involvement in science. Being absorbed by it since youth he failed to make out between true feelings and Kitty’s desire not to lag behind her younger sister and marry someone as soon as possible. So, from the example of this hero we can see that sometimes people of great creative potential are too devoted to their occupation, they are very successful in their job, but suffer in everyday life, being unable to accommodate to it. Another example of a creative person in literature is Masui Ono, an elderly man who devoted his life to paintings. His creativity, his art had a destructing character. He and some other painters and composers during World War II propaganded Japan’s involvement in the war and German’s support by their works. When a young man, Masui depicted in his works â€Å"a floating world†: beauty of nature, beauty of women, night pleasures- all the things that were not forever. But later when he matured, when he realized that his country was in crisis, that poverty and famine were progressing, Masui decided to do everything he could to help people. This decision seems very generous, but the way he embodies his plans and the results of these plans change the reader’s mind. In his pictures he calls people to join the army and help Germany to lead the war, hoping that the win in it will help his country to overcome all the difficulties. On the one hand, we can’t despise him, because everything he did was realization of his sincere desire to help his country, and besides he also suffered as he lost his wife and his son in the war. But on the other hand, Masui and people having the same ideas, who were blind and couldn’t see the real political situation, led the country to even more critical situation, because the war brought nothing but ruins and dead bodies. In the period of reconstruction such people like Ono become outcast, some of them even commit suicide, some of them are too old and just spend their last years in loneliness. Ono in comparison with such people is not lonely, he has a family: two daughters and a grandson. He never stays at home alone, his elder daughter very often comes to visit him. But Masui isn’t lonely only on the surface, deep inside he is extremely lonely: his daughters don’t understand him, they watch at him like at an elderly man, all they feel is only pity. Masui’s past has influenced not only his own life but also lives of his children: his younger daughter couldn’t marry, because young men didn’t want to have any business with a family, that had contributed to the destruction of the country. So, the tragedy of such people like Masui Ono is that they failed to give their gift the right direction. People could have admired Ono’s works, but he didn’t manage to make out between art and politics, two things that are very rarely can be combined. The third novel tells us a story of Victor Frankenstein, a young man who became interested in science since the very childhood. His study at the university has inspired him to the terrific experiment-creation of a living being from dead people’s bodies. He becomes fascinated with the â€Å"secret of life,† discovers it, and brings a hideous monster to life. The monster proceeds to kill Victor’s youngest brother, best friend, and wife; he also indirectly causes the deaths of two other innocents, including Victor’s father. Though torn by shame and guilt, Victor refuses to admit to anyone the horror of what he has created, even as he sees that he loses control of his creature. As the novel progresses Victor turns from an innocent youth fascinated by science into a disillusioned man determined to destroy the result of his horrific experiment by all means. At first Victor doesn’t care about the results of his experiments, he cuts himself off from the society and carries his experiments out. He lacks humanity in spite of the fact that he was brought up in a big family, in which everyone loved and respected each other. He takes the responsibility of the God for making people alive, but can’t cope with the consequences. He realizes what he really had done only after the monster starts killing people who were close to him. The rest of his life Victor devotes to searching for the monster and killing him, but dies himself. His life and life of all his relatives-that is the price that victor payed for his thoughtless experiments. The example of this character, as well as the example of the character from the previous novel, one more time proves the fact that not always creative people know, how to use their gift. Instead of using it for peaceful purposes they are blindly wasting it or are directing it to dangerous innovations. Creation of the monster by Victor Frankenstein in the novel can be put on the same scale with creation of the atomic bomb. The protagonist of the short story â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro† Harry is a writer, who during his travel in Africa infected his cut on the leg and is dying from gangrene. This character is as lonely in life as Masui Ono: he has a woman who loves him, but he doesn’t love her, she is reach and this is the main reason for Harry’s staying with her. In fact he was lonely all his life: he loved a lot of women but all of them left him because he was demanding too much. The problem of this character is that only at the end of his life Harry realizes that he didn’t manage to write about everything he wanted, that he did very little in this life. Lying on the stretcher in the last evening before his death, the hero recollects all the events he would like to describe in his books in details. Rich imagination of this person, imagination that wasn’t fully used, is revealed in the last minutes of the hero’s life: his death seems to him a flight on the helicopter to his destiny a snowy peak of Kilimanjaro. To make a conclusion I would like to say that a fate of a creative person has been quite a hot issue in literature for many centuries and is touched upon by many contemporary writers. Different writers took different protagonists for their books but many of them make such heroes unhappy outcast of the society. They can’t find their place in the world by different reasons: one of them are so absorbed by their ideas that can’t distinguish people’s true feelings, others can’t direct their creativity in the right way, others use only very small part of their talent and don’t perform their function in this world. If you have gift it means you were touched by God and you should create only good things using this gift. If your creativity brings destruction you will be punished by God.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The 1886 Mount Tarawera Eruption :: volcano, Mount Tarawera

In this essay I will tell you about the 1886 Tarawera Eruption. More specifically I will tell you about the effects the 1886 eruption had on the natural environment and ton the local communities of the region. 10th of June 1886, soon after midnight. Mt Tarawera light up like fireworks. BOOM! Molten rock came flying out of the crater, with a cloud of ash rising 9.5km into the sky. People as far as Blenheim could hear the thunder like noises but had no idea what it could be. Although the people of Rotorua knew exactly what was happening Mount Tarawera was erupting! The Mt. Tarawera eruption was the largest eruption in New Zealand for 800 years. Before the eruption, many people claimed to see a ghostly canoe on Lake Rotomahana. Maori say it was warning them that death is coming. The lake temperatures were also changing as well as more waves. Sadly nobody linked those back to Mt. Tarawera. The eruption caused the land to dramatically change. In my mind I think the biggest loss would have to be the pink and white terraces. The loss of pink and white terraces was a huge blow to New Zealand's tourist industry. People around the world came to bathe in these marvels which covered a 3 ha (hectares) area and descending 30 metres, they were massive. The pink and white terraces were about to be named one of the seven wonders of the world. No tourists would want to come and see the ash over the terraces. Millions of dollars lost. After the eruption, the region of Tarawera was covered by infertile ash. The eruption layered the volcanic ash which is very poor in nutrients. This meant that the people could no longer grow their food or graze animals. Maori used to call the central North Island â€Å"Kaingaora† Meaning Lean and hungry land. The native bushes and scrub land close to Tarawera's eruption was burnt and a lot of vegetation have never recovered. This resulted in another source of food and building materials was destroyed, making it an even harder area to live in. For one village, Te Wairoa, was covered in ash. This meant that the people had to move and start a new village and life. Around Tarawera the lakes and rivers became heavily polluted with ash.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Correctional Operations Essay

Many nations and cultures have come up with official laws to protect their citizens from crimes. Over the years these laws have been in force, to help keep society from becoming anarchy. Different forms of punishments have been used to detour would be criminals. However you will find citizens still tends to break the laws. These days all countries have a justice system and a prison for locking up their threats to society. Many countries do sentence someone to death for an extreme form of punishment. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi (Encarta, 2007) was the first legal record found in the Middle East. However, the Western nations seem to follow laws started by Ancient Rome (Encarta, 2007). Before long each city had a court and had established their own laws, to protect the citizens. Soon after the Roman Empire established the Law of Twelve Tables, to confirm their society. But most people believe that the earliest form of law can be found in the twelve centuries which is known as the J ustinian Code (Encarta, 2007). For many centuries people have died or been punished for committing theft, rape, or unspeakable crimes. In 1532, the Holy Roman Empire created the Constitio Criminalis to punish criminals. But not every county followed that law, so these countries created their own legal system, where each county would deal with its criminals in their countries, when they needed to. For the most part, punishment was used to punish or deter these would be criminals. Life became more civilized with each passing century, as new punishments were created. Many people felt safer with laws that could protect them. Centuries later the Pennsylvania System was created by the Quakers, Pennsylvania became the center of prison reform worldwide. This happen when William Penn, Penn who had been confined in England for his Quaker beliefs abolished the Duke of York’s several criminal code which was in effect in other parts of British North America, where among other offenses, the penalty of death was applied for murder, denying â€Å"the true God† homosexual acts and kidnapping, severe physical punishments were used for what were  considered lesser crimes. The true root of the Quaker system was to create more humane treatment for criminals, they decided that criminals needed more constructive punishment and a place where they can be alone to repent and turn back to God rather than such cruel punishment. The Quakers believe that criminals could reformed and return to society as a change people. Prisoners were put to work in the prison so that their time could be used wisely. In the 1820s the Auburn System was in full swing, this system was different from the Quakers they believe in complete silence, smaller cells and any economic advantage over the Pennsylvania System. In the long run both of these prison system failed, then came along the Auburn System which modern corrections used their old method of old cells blocks and solitary confinement. Each county began hiring sheriffs and creating legal systems to deal out the punishments. Most people welcome the new laws and sense of safety, yet some refuse to follow them. Some criminals were lightly punished and some were killed, for the crimes they committed. The justice system grew into a major part of society; however, it was not perfect. . But not long many citizens felt that the criminals deserved what punishments they received. More jails were built and more criminals began challenging the new laws that had been established by the courts. Unfortunately, societies were being victimized by the criminals or gangs or criminals. So, many new sheriffs and detective agencies were established to help police the growing neighborhoods. Many people supported the role of the sheriffs and they volunteered to help as deputies. In the old times, criminals were tortured as a form of punishment, by the Roman Empire. Some criminals hang on crosses, killed by torture, and place in dungeons to die. For this reason many began to revolt against the Roman rule and they were punished as criminals too. Soon the Roman Empire fell and many separate societies began growing throughout the world. Before long, the Modern ages began and many prisons were built in the 19th century. Many countries were ruled by the King and Queen of Britain at the turn of the 19th century. Severely changes have happened to the justice system during that time. Which made life much easier for the citizens; criminals were locked away and punished for the crimes that they committed. Each criminal had to be found guilty by the court first, before they could be  punished. Many new laws were created, in order to help the citizen feel safe and keep the peace. However, some citizens still felt that capital punishment was to hash. By the 20th century, the British rule began to fade, as the revolution grew and many fled to the New World. Due to prison overcrowding, many courts systems were looking for ways to deal with criminals. Many courts began giving probation to petty thieves and criminals; besides locking them up. Soon young offenders were removed from the adult court system and dealt with in juvenile court. Then the court began looking for ways, to rehabilitate the juvenile offenders. Many schools and programs were created, in order to stop the troubled youth from becoming adult offenders. Also many adult programs began popping up; with the intentions to help rehabilitate small crime offenders. Some criminals were able to change and become productive part of society (National Archives, 2007). Alexander Maconochie came up with the concept of early release for hard work and good behavior, also parole which was created by Sir Walter Crofton and the Irish system, which we in the United State use today. Om the late 1800s reformatory system was established, some were given education classes, and early release and punishment was not the focus. However, some adults were unable to be rehabilitating by the programs, so eventually more prisons had to be built to house youth and adult offenders that were unable to be rehabilitated. After the justice system realized that punishments were not stopping criminals from committing crimes. Many scientist and doctors began studying the behavior of criminals, especially their childhood. Some scientist has found that many criminals have had troubled childhood, which may lead to their behavior. However, some criminals are raised in a good home; yet they still commit horrible crimes to date no one has come up with a magic pill that can stop these criminals from committing crimes. Many societies have tried to find a way to stop criminals, from creating a justice system to building prisons. However, no matter how history has tried to stop the criminals, they still seem to victimize helpless people. Maybe, with further study and a better understanding of why they commit crimes, future generations can stop them. But, at this point only prisons seem to help those, who have become habitual offenders. Hopefully, one day we can create  a magic pill or a way to stop criminals from hurting others. Until then, we must let the justice system work for us and our society The correction system in the United States have changed many times over the past years, many theories went from retaliation, physical punishment, reforming and back. The population of inmates in the United States and Federal prisons and jails has grown at an unprecedented rate in the past thirty years. Since 2000, the census of prisoners being detained in state and federal prisons has risen 13%. Since 1990, the census has grown 100% the census has grown a staggering 366%. The thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was passed by the senate on April 8th, 1864 and approved by the House on January 31st, 1865 and ratified on December 6th, 1865 abolish slavery as a legal institution. The thirteenth Amendment stated.† Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction†. Right after the 13th Amendment was passed, the Black Code was created, the Black Code were laws in the United States after the Civil War with the effect of limiting the basic human right and civil liberties of blacks. As newly freed slaves would soon learn, freedom was not as they had anticipated. White southerners were anxious to regain power over them and used the law in order to achieve that objective, the code served as a way to control and inhibit the freedom of ex-slaves. The Code controlled almost all aspect of their lives and prohibited African Americans from the freedoms that had been won. Not only did the whites wanted to control ex-slaves but they need laborers. While things could no longer be exactly the same as in slavery, the whites found a way to guarantee that blacks would serve as their laborers. The whites encompassed some of the antebellum restrictions on free blacks, northern apprenticeship laws, they took their civil and legal rights, from marriage to the right to hold and sell property. Laws were different in each state but most embodied the same kind of restrictions. Commonly, codes compelled freedman to work. But in many states if unemployed, African American faced being arrested and charged with vagrancy. Many of those that did work had their days regulated. Codes dictated their hours of labor, duties and the behavior assigned to them as agricultural workers. Almost every aspect of their lives was regulated, including the freedom to roam; blacks were not permitted to enter towns without permission. In 1866 black codes were suspended by Federal officials who noted that the codes were too harsh and bias they decided that blacks should be subjected to the same penalties and regulations as whites. Along with the black code came the convict leasing system, this was the leasing of prisoners to private companies who would pay the state a fee for the service. Prisoners would work for these companies day after day returning to their cells each night while business profit from free prisoners labors. These black prisoners would survive less than six years; the death rate among these inmates was almost 45% for those in the south. Another way to keep free blacks in slavery was Sharecropping for those man who did not want to go to prison, sharecropping was the only way former slaves could survive . But the high prices and interest rate charged by store and land owners caused these blacks to be in constant debt. Another way blacks were kept was by chain gangs, the crimes was breach of a contract, even today there are some states that still adopt chain gangs like, Florida, Alabama and Arizona. Amnesty International one of the leading humanitarian groups said that the practice of chain gangs is inhumane, to use handcuffs, and chains etc. on prisoners is a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Today prisoners have another dilemma to deal with privatization of prisons; privatization of prison is not new it has been around for centuries, private corporations are once again owning and operating prisons for profit. A controversial issue which dates back to the days that followed the Emancipation Proclamation, private prisons owners and manage prisoners making thousands of millions of dollars from prisoner’s labor while the prisoners earn nothing. The 13th amendment allows a form of slavery to exist legally, when we look at people who are jailed for nonviolent crimes within the criminal justice system, like the Black Code, Sharecropping and Chain Gangs and then privatizing of prisons the 13th Amendment shape slavery through the penal system. President Lincoln abolished the cruel and unusual punishment, but if we look there is a small part which we may call a clause that states, â€Å"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crimes whereof the party  shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subjected to their jurisdiction†. The Amendment did not specify what crimes, felony, misdemeanor or even a traffic ticket; it just said crime and all of these are crimes. Yet we see many people not convicted of crimes and they are punished, placed in prison, locked up and work for fee. The 13th Amendment has reshaped and defined slavery the moment it was placed on paper. The 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution is a guarantee of state right. The Tenth Amendment is similar to an earlier provision of the Articles of Confederation. â€Å"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. When the 10th Amendment was introduced in congress, James Madison explained that many states were anxious to ratify this amendment, despite critics who deemed the amendment superfluous or unnecessary. The constitution designed the federal government to be a government of limited and enumerated powers. This is saying that the federal government only has power over the things that are specifically given to it in the constitution, all other powers is given to the state. The 10th Amendment noted that â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, or by the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people†. I believe the founding fathers created this Amendment because they did not want the central government which is the federal government to become too powerful and did not want that government to tell them how they should live their lives daily. They wanted to give the local state power to control their own affairs to make laws and rules that their people can live by and not have the federal government total control of their affair. The 10th Amendment when it comes to the Florida criminal justice system and prison is this. Advocate can bring more cases under the 10th Amendment, which will have huge positive implication for freedom so long as the current constitution of the courts holds. â€Å"Federalism secures the freedom of the individual; it allows the state to respond through the enactment of posit ive law. As we see the 10th Amendment have been weakens somewhat by the by congress, you could hardly hear about the 10th Amendment in court cases in the years it was  adopted but not so today you find that a lot of cases using the 10th Amendment for their bases for filing an appeal. There were states that were protected under the 10th Amendment. Which the American Civil was noted was not workable so the 14th Amendment was created to extend the Bill of Rights and made it applicable to both state and federal government. We can see the 10th Amendment no longer holds the power that it once did, but today in Florida law makers is trying to use the 10th Amendment to privatize prisons. The 10th Amendment was written to reassure the state that they would remain largely in charge of their people; the 10th Amendment was always used to prevent federal regulation of everything including taxation. I believe the 8th should control the criminal justice system in Florida. The Amendment states that â€Å" Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. The 8th Amendment to the Constitution established in 1791, have three provisions; The cruel and unusual punishment clause, which restrict the severity of punishments that state and federal government may impose upon someone who have been convicted of a crime. The Excessive Fine Clause limits the amount that state and federal governments may fine a person for a particular crime. Then there is the Excessive Bail Clause which restricts judicial discretion in setting bail for the release of persons accused of a criminal activity during the period following their arrest but preceding their trial. Courts are given wide latitude under the Excessive Fine Clause of the 8th Amendment, fines which is imposed by ta trial court judge or magistrate will not be overturned on appeal unless the judge or magistrate abuse his or her discretion in assessing them. But the trial court judge is given less latitude under the Excessive Bail Clause. If the defendants meets bail or is able to pay the amount set by the court, the defendant is entitled to recover the pledged amount at the conclusion of the criminal proceeding, however, if the defendant fails to appear as scheduled during the prosecution, then he or she forfeits the amount pledge and still faces further criminal penalties if convicted of the offense or offenses charged. Since most of our defendants are indigent excessive fine is handling in a calm manner I believe. To me the most critical part of the 8th Amendment is the cruel and unusual punishment. In the case Furman v. Georgia the Supreme Court found that he death penalty violated the 8th Amendment the court noted  that â€Å"These death penalties are cruel and unusual punishment† today not much state use the death penalty but in our state of Florida the death penalty is still a factor. Recently the state declared a moratorium on lethal injection and a de facto moratorium on the death penalty. Finally I believe our criminal justice has come a long way but there is still work to be done especially with defendants being arrested and being treated as the olden days when slavery was in place. We still find our slavery taking place indirectly especially for black minority’s. We need our elected government leaders to stop playing politics and start working for the people who elected them into office. Judges and lawyers need to stop taking bribes and let the justice system work for the people. We as criminal justice majors must stop looking at the money we may make when we finish school and get our degree. And see how we can put what we have learned into practice to help our fellow neighbors or our community. Our justice system needs people with heart and backbones and I believe we as the leaders of tomorrow can do that. References:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Vsepr Lab

Molecular Geometry A. Natural Orientation of Volumes about a Central Point. You will need 20 round balloons for this experiment. Join them together as indicated in the Balloon Arrangement column and then describe the shape in the space provided. Balloon ArrangementDescription of the Shape Two-Balloon SetLinear Three-Balloon Set Trigonal Planar Four-Balloon Set Tetrahedral Five-Balloon Set Trigonal Bipyramidal Six-Balloon Set Octahedral B. Valence Shell Pairs: Single Bonds Fill in the table below for the corresponding compounds.Reference the tables provided in the introductory comments for Lab #16 VSEPR Theory. Molecular ShapeNumber of Bonds About Central AtomShape Description BF3 3Trigonal planar BeCl2 2Linear CH4 4Tetrahedral PF5 5Trigonal bipyramidal SF6 6Octahedral C. Valence Shell Pairs: Single Bonds and Non-Bonding electron pairs Fill in the table below for the corresponding compounds. Reference the tables provided in the introductory comments for Lab #16 VSEPR Theory. Molecular FormulaNumber of Bonds and Non-Bonding PairsShape Desrciption NF3 ,1Trigonal pyramidal H2S 2,2Bent H3O+ 3,1Trigonal pyramidal PH3 3,1Trigonal pyramidal ClO2 2,1Bent D. Valence Shell Pairs: Single and Double Bonds and Non-Bonding electron pairs Fill in the table below for the corresponding compounds. The shapes and other information on pages three and four of your lab will be helpful. FormulaNumber of Bonds and Non-Bonding Electron PairsShape Description CO32- 3,0Trigonal planar SO2 2,1Bent H2CO 3,0Trigonal planar SO3 3,0Trigonal planar SO32- 3,1Trigonal pyramidal NO2- 2,1Bent PO33- 3,1Trigonal pyramidal

Thursday, November 7, 2019

lebanon essays

lebanon essays Prior to the 20th century, the Middle Eastern nations could easily have been categorized as third world countries. It was not until the early 1930s that oil production was begun and not until the mid-century that oil became an important commodity in the world market. Thus, the Middle Eastern countries experienced a huge influx of capital. This wealth had a major impact on the Middle East, yet most Middle Eastern countries still retain a Third World status. The use of oil-revenues has had a major impact on the Middle East that distinguishes them from other Third World countries. Yet, at the same time, this wealth has not caused these countries to break free from this status in order to raise their status to that of major powers. Disagreements among Middle Eastern nations, their inability to effectively organize and political instability have all contributed to the Middle East remaining Third World. Until the invention of the combustion engine, the oil industry only slowly developed. This was because oil was not a major commodity until it became more widely used in cars, planes and other engines. Until this time, there was little use for oil. Oil exploration in the Middle East began in the late 19th century with the first wells being drilled in Iran in 1884. In the early 20th century, oil was struck in commercial quantities at Masjid-I-Sulayman in 1908 and in Egypt in 1909. In 1909, the first pipeline used to transport oil was built by the Egyptian Oil Trust and by 1914, Persia was producing two million barrels of oil annually. From this time until the Second World War, oil production and organization of oil producing countries progressed slowly. During World War II, the demand for oil increased. Oil began to be used more frequently as a source of heat and for the British Royal Navy. Because of this, oil production increased to 8.6 million barrels. World War II also saw the expansion of oil production in Bahrain, ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Data management in cloud environments Thesis Proposal

Data management in cloud environments - Thesis Proposal Example There has been research conducted in this particular field which forms the framework for future research study. However the major reason behind selecting such research topic is that it would help to gain sufficient knowledge regarding multiple ways to store data in cloud environment. This study would even outline the challenges which are witnessed by the data stores and the appropriate ways through which most of such challenges are eliminated from the system. It can be stated that this research study deals with the intricacies which are associated with such data management system. The study would even be supported by some practical examples in order that audience gain insights in terms of internal functioning of cloud computing. In the past few years the increasing trend of computational power has also overwhelmed the data flow. It can be stated that recent advances that are associated with web technology has enabled users to store content of various sizes which is considered to be data management in cloud environment. There has been a paradigm shift in mechanism of large scale data processing and computing infrastructure. Cloud computing sets forth the provision for such computing infrastructure. This research study would aim at clearly distinguishing the various data management techniques in cloud environment. The main aim of the study can be further subdivided into identifying different data storage engines both SQL as well as noSQL. This study would not only focus on determining different data engines but would even encompass their respective pros and cons, performance issues and scalability between such data management engines. The research problem statement would be – â€Å"Identification of d ifferent data storage engines in cloud environment and outlining performance and scalability between these data management types.† This problem statement or research question would be addressed throughout the analysis. The major objective of the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Restriction of Media Coverage during Wars Essay

Restriction of Media Coverage during Wars - Essay Example The objective of the newspapers limited access is to confirm that journalists spread reports that have only achievement tales and at the same time bypass graphic tales of huge death on the front line that might sway masses attitude harmfully. Another foremost cause was to bypass describing perceptive data that might threaten inhabits of armies on the front line.   Mediating Role of the Media In the overhead unfastening extract, Taylor ascertained the function of the newspapers in endowing the general masses to "take a front chair at the producing of archives on the shirt-tails of journalism" (p.99). The masses, thus, become history's observers - albeit digressive participants - through the newspapers with their stories. Taylor furthermore distinguishes tales from two assemblies of journalists: -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tones who are at the front line, encompassing a focused occupation - conflict correspondents - experiencing anything is taking location in the front line for exa mple dodgy methods taking place there and unchanging interaction with the equipped forces. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   News analysts and columnists who through comprehensive investigation of the new stories from the area, complemented with outlooks from political establishment, as well as the masses attitude at home. These journalists manage not have direct know-how at the front line but, as we will glimpse subsequently, they have a large-scale function to play in a position of tough newspapers get access to limits in the conflict area.-- This significant function of mediating data to the masses is leveraged by several components that furthermore sway value to data that comes to the masses. These components encompass the following: -  Ã‚   Journalists are... Prior to the last century accounts from the front lines came from the so-called area agents who were a component of the infantry personnel. They made accounts for mastication as an authorized documentation about happenings taking place at the front line. Nevertheless, these accounts were typically intended for government misinformation other than conceived as data for masses use. Moreover, in their hard work to maintain masses support for the conflict effort, authorities have since the World War 1 conceived organizations that would likely maneuver newspapers accounts coming to the masses from the front line. They have furthermore made certain that the refuted journalists get access to the assault localities that were distinguished by pictures of wounds, damages, and fatalities. nonetheless, the statement that if the masses are given the full image of the conflict position on the front line they will stop to support conflict effort is a myth because occasionally the masses carry the c onflict in the triumphant nations regardless of critical damages, post-battle deficiency, and other repercussions. The manipulation schemes encompass well-designed authorized misinformation appliance in an effort to restructure the expanse amid the front line and the masses.